Monday, November 30, 2009

My philosophy of teaching

educational Philosophy
Foundations Of Education
Greg Wyman
I believe my philosophy style would be more geared toward the progressivism, this way of teaching is centered around the activities that children are interested in which will keep their minds focused on learning. The progressive teacher is a guide in learning, create learning centers based on the activities children choose then you also incorporate mathematics, science, history, and literacy, I believe both the student-center curriculum and the integrated curriculum put together will stimulate and keep kids focused on there studies. In doing both you keep the standards of teaching intact plus you make it fun for students.
Students learn best when placed in groups and they engage in conversation with their friends and are doing things that a related to their real life experiences, The school my girls go to have centers which consists of writing stories, art, fact triangles, one is taking care of feeding the plants, fish and documenting the temperature and weather outside at that moment, each day groups of four rotate around these centers different one each day they spend a half hour and their minds are creating thinking problem solving.
You do the centers in the morning the children are stimulated encouraged to learn then are ready for to teach the disciplined courses which in a sense they have done some of each in the centers.
I believe you also need to find out the abilities and learning needs of each child before you create your daily curriculum all students are at different levels of learning so as a teacher you need to base your daily planner on all levels of learning so no child is bored or lost in the exercise. There is nothing worse for a child to go through the day and not understand what you are teaching independent learning for a part of your daily plan could give time for students to get the help they need or other students to advance their learning.
The only problem I see with progressivism is that not all children’s activities can be integrated in the learning centers which will make them feel left out and then not willing to learn or participate in group activity thus creating a distraction to others abilities of learning. I think in most cases I know at my kids schools all the centers they do peeks the interest of all the students not all students like every activity but in order to do the ones they like they will participate in all.
I would also add the constructivism into the curriculum which can be added to the centers they create and learn from hands on they establish what they learn everyone loves to see the finish product of what they create.

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