Monday, December 14, 2009

Google Earth

As I've stated before technology scares me, but with everything I've seen this semester I have been enlightened by the new technology I've learned. Google Earth is no exception I searched the site and was amazed at all you can do. The classroom use is unlimited kids can do research, projects you can even create quizzes for areas you are studying. I was skeptical at first thinking science and history was the only classes that would benefit from this site, then I saw art history and other amazing sites global warming would be an amazing curriculum and there are certain times on the subject you can link amazing areas of global warming like the polar bears their habitat all in all this is a very resourceful site for teachers.


  1. I can't encourage you strongly enough to download the software and get your girls into Google Earth. This is a safe fun way for them to explore outside of VT and a lot more wholesome than some of the Internet "waste your time" sites out there.

  2. Google Earth was an amazing site so much to learn from I do believe the 7th and 8th graders at my kids school use this site because I was bragging to my daughter and she said they use it all the time.
