Sunday, November 15, 2009

Updated version of presentation

My Teachers Script
As a town we are a community, as a state we are a community, as a country we are united, so why was it so hard for us to acknowledge the fact that the native people living in our state well before we were a tribe a family a community. The state of Vermont and New Hampshire did not acknowledge these great Indians until after the 21st century and these amazing people or their ancestors have lived here over 10,000 years before.
I’m wondering does the country feel that because the Abenaki are not none warriors does this mean they can’t be Indians, that would mean if we are not in the armed forces we are not Americans, I don’t think so. You are what you are brought up to be if you are born American then you are American same goes if you are born an Indian then you are Indian.
I hope you enjoyed this slide show showing these amazing farmers, fisherman, hunters family and tribe, the Abenaki, the wonderful well deserved recognition as Indians.

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