Monday, November 30, 2009

My philosophy of teaching

educational Philosophy
Foundations Of Education
Greg Wyman
I believe my philosophy style would be more geared toward the progressivism, this way of teaching is centered around the activities that children are interested in which will keep their minds focused on learning. The progressive teacher is a guide in learning, create learning centers based on the activities children choose then you also incorporate mathematics, science, history, and literacy, I believe both the student-center curriculum and the integrated curriculum put together will stimulate and keep kids focused on there studies. In doing both you keep the standards of teaching intact plus you make it fun for students.
Students learn best when placed in groups and they engage in conversation with their friends and are doing things that a related to their real life experiences, The school my girls go to have centers which consists of writing stories, art, fact triangles, one is taking care of feeding the plants, fish and documenting the temperature and weather outside at that moment, each day groups of four rotate around these centers different one each day they spend a half hour and their minds are creating thinking problem solving.
You do the centers in the morning the children are stimulated encouraged to learn then are ready for to teach the disciplined courses which in a sense they have done some of each in the centers.
I believe you also need to find out the abilities and learning needs of each child before you create your daily curriculum all students are at different levels of learning so as a teacher you need to base your daily planner on all levels of learning so no child is bored or lost in the exercise. There is nothing worse for a child to go through the day and not understand what you are teaching independent learning for a part of your daily plan could give time for students to get the help they need or other students to advance their learning.
The only problem I see with progressivism is that not all children’s activities can be integrated in the learning centers which will make them feel left out and then not willing to learn or participate in group activity thus creating a distraction to others abilities of learning. I think in most cases I know at my kids schools all the centers they do peeks the interest of all the students not all students like every activity but in order to do the ones they like they will participate in all.
I would also add the constructivism into the curriculum which can be added to the centers they create and learn from hands on they establish what they learn everyone loves to see the finish product of what they create.


This has been probably the class I've learned the most from, before this class my knowledge with technology was very limited. I think the reason I didn't try advancing my knowledge was a fear factor, afraid to try new things.
Now that the class is almost over I've experienced with slide shows, setting up a web page, and most of all set up a blog. My favorite assignment I believe which of gained so much from was my work with the Abenaki Indians not only did I learn how and where to search for information, but I also learned so much about my heritage and ancestors which means so much to me.

Monday, November 23, 2009

vlogs the new way

Ok I need to start by saying I tried numerous times to do my own video blog, but I truly have issues with pictures of me and its alot worst with video so I went online search vlogs of all sorts and it amazes me on what people actually vlogs about. There was one online dating vlog an instructional vlog, they go from a daily journal to well sex education so yes if you feel comfortable behind a video camera I believe video blogs are more useful, because people can see your emotions feel how you feel, and know your mood. As for myself I will settle for typing my thoughts my feeling and my opinions.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Updated version of presentation

My Teachers Script
As a town we are a community, as a state we are a community, as a country we are united, so why was it so hard for us to acknowledge the fact that the native people living in our state well before we were a tribe a family a community. The state of Vermont and New Hampshire did not acknowledge these great Indians until after the 21st century and these amazing people or their ancestors have lived here over 10,000 years before.
I’m wondering does the country feel that because the Abenaki are not none warriors does this mean they can’t be Indians, that would mean if we are not in the armed forces we are not Americans, I don’t think so. You are what you are brought up to be if you are born American then you are American same goes if you are born an Indian then you are Indian.
I hope you enjoyed this slide show showing these amazing farmers, fisherman, hunters family and tribe, the Abenaki, the wonderful well deserved recognition as Indians.

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Do schools kill creativity

Well I must say I did enjoy sir Ken's presentation he is very amusing makes his speeches enjoyable keeps his audience interested. Now do I believe schools kill creativity, I believe it has killed the traditional creative thoughts and activities. Kids are not allowed to express their artistic sides as much as they should. I know my daughter is a great singer, but the school doesn't have music class as much as they should now its an elective you may only take it one trimester a year. The creativity that the children are taught is in technology only, computer creativity if its on a computer my child can design anything she wants not all is truly coming from her mind it starts from a program on the computer. So my answer is yes schools are not getting the child to use their brain or imagination to its fullest.

Monday, November 9, 2009

my slideshow

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Powerpoint presentations

I need to be honest I am not familiar to powerpoint presentations this is the only knowledge I have of powerpoint.
I will discuss my experience I have had so far in doing my presentation, I really had no clue what I was doing I went to sites that were provided to me, but still did not understand what i was reading so I downloaded this program called Camtasia studio which I started by finding all my pictures of the Abenaki Indians then I added my narration which at first did not line up with my slides so then I had to start over on the narration to coincide with my slides so I had enough slides to go the distance of my narrations I still have work to do but I feel I am on my way.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Hans Rosling's video

I was most impressed with Han's presentation he created a lecture that will keep his audiance very interested in his speach of data by making his statistics fun to watch by motion animation and yes humor in his voice. What amazed me most was his research of how when countries reduced the number of children in families that the life exspectantcy increased.
I was intrigued a bit by what he talked about in money doesn't create health you need health to create money if you don't have good health it doesn't matter how much money you have when you are gone so is the money in a sense, but if you are healthy you run out of money you can go back and make more.